P. 364

364                                      Frutas del trópico

                    Types of irrigation systems
               To select the appropriate irrigation system for a crop, key crop characteristics must be iden-

               tified. It is important to know the time between planting and harvest, the period during the

               calendar year that the crop is grown, the water requirements of the crop, and the initial and

               final height and canopy of the crop. In addition, field physical properties and available water

               sources must be considered in the irrigation design. A short description is provided for the

               most common irrigation types:

                   1.  Microjet or microsprinkler systems emit water at discrete points at relatively high rates. Mi-

                       crojets are generally used for fruit trees, nursery production, and other large plants. Microjets

                       are an efficient irrigation system with properly operation and maintenance. Common appli-

                       cations: avocado, container production

                   2.  Drip irrigation systems apply water from point source emitters molded into ‘tapes’ or delivery

                       lines. Drip systems are highly efficient when properly maintained. Drip systems operate un-

                       der pressure and require that delivery tapes by supplied to all plants.  Drip irrigation may not

                       be economically feasible for large areas of low value crops. Common applications: tomato,


                   3.  Sprinkler irrigation systems supply water by spraying it through nozzles mounted on pres-

                       surized pipelines. Sprinkler nozzles should be staggered throughout a planting to provide

                       uniform distribution of irrigation water. Sprinkler irrigation may result in excessive losses due

                       to evaporation and wind drift; therefore, timing of sprinklers should be such that these losses

                       are minimized. Common applications: container nursery, fruit trees

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