P. 20
20 Frutas del trópico
flushes are vegetative. Individual stems typically produce only one reproductive flush per year.
If synchronized, the flush will occur at once in all stems throughout the canopy. More often
than not, however, flushes occur in sections of canopy instead of the whole in trees grown the
tropics, and hence may produce flowers in one section on one occasion and in other sections
on other occasions until the entire canopy has flowered.
Although the subject of this article is management of flowering, one must first recogni-
ze that initiation of shoot growth on resting stems is the first event that must occur in order
to produce flowering (Davenport, 1990, 2000, 2003; Davenport and Nuñez-Elisea, 1997).
Management of flowering, thus, also entails management of shoot initiation. The reader is
encouraged to refer to the above-cited review articles in order to fully appreciate the reasons
for implementing the management practices described here. They describe the interactions
of phytohormones and environmental cues that regulate flowering or vegetative growth. The
following Figure 1 diagrammatically summarizes those interactions.
Shoot initiation, or bud break, is driven by different factors than those regulating induc-
tion events that determine whether developing shoots will be vegetative or reproductive. It
is thought to involve the interactive ratio in buds of accumulated cytokinins from roots with
declining auxin production and transport from leaves of increasing age (Davenport, 2000).
Frequent flush events occur in young trees and in mature trees in conditions of high nitrogen
levels and an abundance of water. Other factors that stimulate initiation of shoot development
include stem pruning, defoliation, foliar nitrogen sprays, and ethylene.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas