P. 21

                                                                RepRoductive physiology of mango

              Figure 1.  Conceptual flowering model of mango and citrus.  The model summarizes the proposed
                 roles for various phytohormones in initiation of shoot growth and in defining the vegetative
                or reproductive outcome of that growth (induction).  Single lines in the scheme are promotive
                                              and double lines are inhibitory.

                                     PHOTOASSIMILATES            FRUIT                         GIBBERELLINS   A 3
                                                                                                                                                A x

                     AUXIN         VEGETATIVE SHOOT          MIXED SHOOT           GENERATIVE SHOOT
                        GA 3       GA 1
                                  GA x
                                                                          PROMOTER IN:       CHILLING TEMP.
                             FREQUENT                                    INDUCTION     LEAVES (MANGO)       WATER STRESS
                             VEGETATIVE                                 STEMS (CITRUS)            (CITRUS)
                               GROWTH                                                                                  WATER STRESS
                                                                    SHOOT INITIATION
                             DEFOLIATION                                 CHILLING TEMP.
                         FOLIAR NITROGEN
                         ETHYLENE (MANGO)            ROOT  INITIATION         GIRDLING

                     STORAGE CARBOHYDRATES                    ROOTS              CYTOKININS

                One of three types of shoots is typically induced to develop from initiated buds: vegeta-

           tive (leaves only), generative (determinate panicle or indeterminate inflorescences), or mixed

           (composed of a leaf and lateral inflorescence inserted at each node or, in general, a mixture of

           flowers and leaves). The type of shoots that are evoked upon initiation appear to be governed

           by the interaction of a putative temperature-regulated florigenic promoter (FP) known to be
           made in leaves of mango and stem tips of citrus and an age-dependent vegetative promoter

           (VP), which is likely to be a gibberellin made in the same tissues as the that of the florigenic pro-

           moter of each species (Davenport, 1990, 2000, 2002; Davenport and Nuñez-Elisea, 1997;

                                                                Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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