P. 495
soils and nutRient management foR tRopical fRuit tRees
Table 2. Soil pH and percentage of calcium carbonate in calcareous soils from South Florida.
pH (H O)
Soil CaCO (%) pH (H O) Soil CaCO (%) 2
3 2 3
1 26 7.9 13 93 8.2
2 65 8.0 14 78 7.9
3 6 7.8 15 45 7.8
4 94 8.1 16 32 7.8
5 93 8.2 17 5 7.5
6 62 7.8 18 72 7.8
7 62 8.0 19 49 7.8
8 58 8.0 20 3 7.3
9 47 7.8 21 74 7.7
10 24 7.8 22 81 7.7
11 42 8.0 23 90 7.7
12 41 7.9 24 84 7.6
Acidification of calcareous soils: Soil acidulents such as elemental sulfur (S), sulfuric acid,
triosulfate salts, etcétera. have been successfully used to acidify calcareous soils with less than
3% CaCO . Chemical reactions are showed as equations below. However, it does not work
for soil with very high CaCO such as soils in South Florida. To date no research data has been
generated to establish a beneficial effect of applications of any acidic products on calcareous
soils in Florida.
Elemental sulfur (S)
25 + 30 bacteria H SO
2 + 2H O 2 4
sulfur + oxygen + water sulfuric acid
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas