P. 497
soils and nutRient management foR tRopical fRuit tRees
form of cover crops, biosolids or municipal solid waste composts. Various research projects
have demonstrated that biosolids, or composts, can serve as soil amendments to increase
soil organic matter, improve soil microbial activities, provide nutrients, and ultimately improve
plant growth and yield. However, high variability in the quality of operations between and
within compost production facilities leads to unpredictable organic amendment quality. Often
use of immature composts/biosolids can result in plant phytotoxicity. The introduction of via-
ble weed seeds and high salt concentrations are also potential hazards of compost/biosolids
utilization in cropping systems.
Figure. 1. Soil pH changes for acidic clay and sandy soils used to replace calcareous soils.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas