P. 306

306                                      Frutas del trópico

               Optimum temperature range for fruit growth is unknown but probably slows below ~20°C.
               The fruit development period (anthesis to fruit maturity) is cultivar and temperature dependent

               ranging from 8-12 weeks during the spring/summer and 10-16 weeks during fall/winter.

                    Plant spacing in Florida

               Numerous factors influence the plant spacing chosen for carambola production including the life
               expectancy of the  orchard, orchard equipment size, climate, inherent tree vigor, ultimate tree

               size desired, presence and use of an irrigation system, inherent tree vigor, and cultural practices.

                    The range in plant spacing is 4 m to 8 m in-row and 2 m to 8 m between-rows. Recom-

               mended plant spacings include 4 m to 6  m in-row and 6 m to 8 m between rows depending

               upon pruning program.  Closer spacing’s are used in many production areas but trees must be

               pruned regularly or production decreases.

                    Requirements for optimum flowering and fruiting

               Exposure continuously to temperatures of 20°C or above and nonlimiting soil moisture. Air

               and/or soil temperatures <20°C may reduce growth, flowering, and fruit set of carambola.

               High temperatures (>upper 20°C to mid 30°C) during fruit development and nonlimiting soil

               moisture. Protection of trees from constant winds (~>2 m s-1).  Continuous retention of

               canopy to maximize carbon assimilation and storage for vegetative and reproductive growth.

                    Orchard infrastructure

                   1.  Land preparation – clearing, leveling or sloping and/or bedding, ditches/canals.

                   2.  Orchard layout – north-south is preferred for optimum duration of light exposure however,  for

                       some land parcels it is more efficient for equipment and movement for rows to be oriented in

                       east-west direction.  Orchard orientation is less important near the equator

                             Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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