P. 309

                                                                caRambola (AverrhoA CArAmbolA l.) pRoduction

           small stems may also induce flowering. Off-season bloom induction and fruit production via
           crop removal is also possible. Removing the fruit from the tree (when the fruit 50% or less full

           size) results in off season flowering and fruit production. Removing fruit during late fall results

           in more vigorous trees during the winter and earlier spring flowering and earlier summer fruit


                Carambola propagation

            Commonly carambola are grafted (veneer, cleft, whip) or budded (chip) onto seedling roots-

           tock. Favored seedling rootstock comes from open pollinated ‘Golden Star’ and M-18960

           fruit. Air-layering (marcottage) and tissue culture have not proved successful at this time due

           to poor root development.


            Florida grows predominantly ‘Arkin’ with minor production of ‘Kary’ and ‘B-10’. Taiwan and

           Malaysia grow primarily ‘B-10’ and ‘B-17’. The percent fruit set ranges from 0.5-16%. Total

           soluble solids ranges from 6-20%. Fruit maturity is determined by yellow color break between

           fruit ribs.

                Selected characteristics of carambola cultivars


                • Origin: Florida
                • Medium size (7.6-12.7 cm long) and broad ribs

                • Yellow to orange color

                • Sweet (4-8oBrix) with good flavor

                • Recommended for commercial planting

                                                                Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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