P. 311

                                                                caRambola (AverrhoA CArAmbolA l.) pRoduction

                • Generally, recommended as a dooryard  fruit tree, however, may have some potential
           as a “specialty” carambola

                ‘Sri Kembangan’

                • Origin: Malaysia

                • Medium to large size (7.6-12.7 cm long) and broad ribs

                • Light yellow to orange color (mottling)

                • Sweet (7-11oBrix) with fair to good flavor

                • Generally, recommended as a dooryard  fruit tree, however, may have some potential

           as a “specialty” carambola

                • Origin: Florida

                • Medium size (7.6-12.7 cm long) and broad ribs

                • Light yellow to orange color

                • Sweet (7-10oBrix) with good flavor

                • Possible commercial potential, recommended as a dooryard  fruit tree

                Crop production strategy

                Frequent nitrogen fertilizer applications to support flowering and fruit development and

           vegetative growth.  Maintain all other nutrients at nonlimiting levels. Maintain nonlimiting soil

           moisture from flowering through harvest. Appropriate tree size control program to maintain

           productive canopy. Keep trees foliated and actively growing throughout the year.

                                                                Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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