P. 315
caRambola (AverrhoA CArAmbolA l.) pRoduction
Postharvest handling
1. Pick very carefully and place bins in shade immediately.
2. If available hydrocool or force-air cool.
3. Sort and pack and place in cold storage (5-10oC and 95% RH) immediately.
4. Sleeving fruit in polyethylene and cardboard cells helps maintain fruit quality.
Carambola storage and uses
1. Mature carambola may be stored at 5-10°C and 85-95% RH for 21-40 days.
2. Placing fruit in polyethylene bags may reduce desiccation.
3. Carambola may be enjoyed as a cool, crisp, and juicy fresh fruit, cut up in fruit salads, used a
garnish for meat dishes, and juiced, pickled, wine, marmalades, and dried.
Diseases of carambola
Leaf spots are caused by a number of fungi (Cercospora averrhoa, Corynespora cassiicola, Pho-
mopsis sp., Gloesporium sp., and Phyllosticta sp.). However, these are usually not a problem.
They are more prevalent during the winter as trees begin to drop leaves. No control measu-
res are necessary.
Pythium root rot is caused by Pythium splendens. Symptoms include loss of tree vigor, leaf
drop, twig dieback and reduced fruit yields. Healthy, vigorously growing trees are less affected.
Sooty blotch, a superficial blackish discoloration on the fruit is caused by Gloeodes pomige-
na. No control is necessary as the sooty discoloration is harmless and can be washed off fruit
with a chlorine dip before packing.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas