P. 317

                                                                caRambola (AverrhoA CArAmbolA l.) pRoduction

               4.  Salinity symptoms include leaf wilting, leaf marginal and tip necrosis; stem and limb dieback;

                  reduced fruit size, and tree death.  Solutions – proper site selection, use of good quality wa-

                  ter, flushing the soil profile periodically of nutrients and use of tolerant rootstocks.

               5.  Wind symptoms include leaf damage/deformation, abscission; stem and limb dieback; fruit

                  windscar, reduced yields; limb breakage, toppling, stumping. Solutions – proper site selec-

                  tion, wind breaks; facilitation of deep rooting for improved root anchoring and implementa-

                  tion of a regular pruning program.

               6.  High pH, calcareous soil stress – symptoms include nutrient deficiencies, especially iron, zinc,

                  manganese, and magnesium.  Solutions – use of rootstocks, frequent foliar applications of

                  minor elements (Zn, Mn, Mg) and chelated Fe materials.

                Carambola fruit nutrient content – value per 100 grams of fruit

                1.       Water, 91%

                2.       Calories, 33 kcal

                3.       Protein, 0.54 g

                4.       Total lipid (fat), 0.35 g

                5.       Vit C, 21.2 mg
                6.       Folate, 12.0 mcg

                7.       Vit. A, 493 IU

                8.       Calcium, 4 mg

                9.       Magnesium, 9 mg

                10.      Phosphorus, 16 mg

                11.      Potassium, 163 mg

                12.      Sodium, 2 mg
                13.      High in antioxidants/phenolic

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