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with regard to their teaching and teaching DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
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practice within the PNIEB, it is important
to define each of these terms.
Definitions of “Perception”, “perspec-
with other things”.The Longman Advanced
tive” and “Beliefs”
American Dictionary (2003) defines it as
According to Knudson (2002), per-
“the feeling that something is definitely true
ception is a highly complex process. Per-
or definitely exists. An idea that you believe
ception essentially means processing data
to be true, especially one that forms part
to organize it and give meaning to infor-
of a system of ideas” (p.111). In the same
mation from the sensory receptors. Sandi-
sense, Braden (2008) argues that belief is
ford (1919) defined perception as “the act
“conviction of the truth of some statement
of interpreting sensations in such a way as
or the reality of some being or phenome-
to give us knowledge of external objects”
non specially when based on examination
(p. 237). Therefore, perception is what a
of evidence” (p. 81).
person captures from senses and proces-
Thus, all the information captured by
ses to form a mental conception about so-
the senses constitutes the ‘perception’ and
mething. This study intends to obtain from
gives shape to the ‘perspective’ that PNIEB
the teachers’ ideas, mental conceptions,
teachers currently have about the program
images and feelings developed about their
and about teaching children. After expe-
work in the PNIEB program.
riencing the program, they can express a
Concerning perspective,The Long-
judgment, and even make comparisons.
man Advanced American Dictionary (2003)
These judgments will give birth to the sys-
defines it as “a way of thinking about so-
mething, which is influenced by the kind of
person you are or by your experiences” (p.
1078). The Macmillan Dictionary (2009,
n.p.) defines perspective as “a way of thin-
king about something”, and “a sensible way
of judging, for instance, how good, bad,
important, something is in comparison
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas