P. 222

DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO        rring to teachers’ beliefs, most researchers
      222             Libro Digital Universitario    2014
                                                                     feel that beliefs include teachers’ attitudes

                                                                     about education, comprised of schools,

                                                                     teaching, learning, and  students”.For  their
               ners’ lives and how it functions within the
                                                                     part, Shinde and Karekatti (2012) affirm that
               PNIEB program is also important.In fact,
                                                                     “if learners’ beliefs about language are con-
               Perry (1997:3) stated that “all of the tea-
                                                                     sidered important, the beliefs of their tea-
               ching practice experiences will contribute
                                                                     chers should also be considered as equally
               in some way to the understanding of tea-
                                                                     important” (p. 70).
               ching but it is also important to learn how
                                                                          Certainly, teachers have their own
               to use the teachers’ experiences in order
                                                                     ideas, attitudes and beliefs about how chil-
               to learn the most from them”.
                                                                     dren learn and specifically about how they

                    Teachers’ beliefs about how chil-                learn  languages.  These  beliefs  vary  from

                    dren learn languages.                            person to person for different reasons.As
               Rokeach (in  Deters,  2011) sustains  that            an example, Moon (2005) presents some

               beliefs have cognitive, affective and beha-           of the beliefs exposed by teachers atten-

               vioral components, which are activated                ding an international summer school.Ac-

               when action is required.With respect to               cording to these teachers, children learn a

               teaching, actions are always required from            foreign language:

               teachers and they act according to the sys-

               tem of ideas they already have as a result                  […] in a natural way, the same way

               of their own background. That is, teachers                   they learn their own language.

               act according to the years of experiencing,                 […]through being motivated. It de-
               improving,  trying  new  things,  researching                pends on the teacher’s style. If the

               and even changing beliefs.Pajares (as cited                  teacher motivated them [students],

               in Smeal, 2009: 15) suggests “When refe-                     they would learn fast or quicker.

                                                                           […] by listening and repeating.

                                                                           […] by imitating the teacher. They

                                                                            want  to  please  the  teacher.  They

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