P. 220

DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO        (2005) reflect this process in the concept
      220             Libro Digital Universitario    2014
                                                                     of teaching practices:

                                                                           A  teaching  practice  (TP)  session

               tem of ideas or beliefs that guide the beha-                 can range from informal practice
               vior of each PNIEB teacher.                                  of a particular technique, perhaps

                    Teaching and Teaching Practice                          with other trainees acting as  stu-

               According to Brown (2000), teaching is de-                   dents, to aformally assessed les-

               fined “as showing or helping someone to                      son. Teaching practice can take

               learn how to do something, giving instruc-                   place in an Englishs peaking coun-
               tions, guiding in the study of something,                    try or in a country where the first

               providing knowledge, causing to know or                      language is not English. The trai-

               understand” (p. 7). Parga (2004) affirmed                    nees can be native or non-native

               that teaching is what happens every day
                                                                            speakers of English and theclasses
               in the classrooms around the teaching-
                                                                            may be monolingual or multilingual.
               learning process.  These every-day expe-
                                                                            Although much of themethodology
               riences are what this study is looking for,
                                                                            outlined could be applicable to tea-
               as well as how the teachers perceive, live,
                                                                            ching children, it is assumedthat the
               face and experience this process.
                                                                            students are teenagers or adults (p.
                    If creating the right opportunity to
               promote learning strategies that are useful

               to the students’ personal and professional
                                                                          On a slightly different note, Perry
               lives is important thenhow teachers create
                                                                     (1997) claims that “Teaching practice as the
               those opportunities to generate learning is
                                                                     period of time in which you, as a student
               also important. Reaching the objective of
                                                                     teacher, gain first-hand experience in wor-
               becoming a good teacher takes time, effort
                                                                     king with a particular group of children in
               and practice. Gower, Phillips and Walters
                                                                     an early childhood setting” (p. 2). In this

                                                                     regard, Perry (1997) points out some con-

                                                                     siderations to take into account for the tea-

                                                                     ching practice when working with children:

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