P. 147

intRoduction to teRminology and techniques foR studying enviRonmental
                                                         physiology of subtRopical and tRopical fRuit cRops      147

                Leaf gas exchange
           A common method to measure physiological stress to plants is measuring leaf gas exchan-

           ge. Leaf gas exchange includes measurements of net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal

           conductance and internal CO  concentration also called the internal partial pressure of CO .
                                          2                                                                 2
           Measuring these variables often provides a very good indication of plant vigor or plant stress

           prior to any visible signs of damage or improved vigor. About 20 years ago, portable leaf gas

           exchange systems became commercially available allowing for easy measurement leaf gas ex-

           change in a greenhouse or in orchards. Figure 1 shows a typical portable infrared gas analyzer

           for measuring leaf gas exchange. Simply put, a leaf or portion of a leaf is enclosed in a cuvette

           and an air stream is passed through a cuvette at a constant known flow rate. The analyzer
           measures the amounts of CO  taken from the air stream into the leaf for photosynthesis and
           the amount of H O leaving the leaf during transpiration. Prior to the development of portable
           gas exchange systems, there was not much information about leaf gas exchange of tropical fruit

           crops, particularly in orchards, because the instruments used to measure it were very cumber-

           some and generally weren’t available in tropical areas. However, since these instruments have

           become commercially available, there has been an increase in published information about

           the effects of abiotic on biotic factors on plant stress in subtropical and tropical fruit orchards.
                Net photosynthesis (Pn) often referred to as net CO  assimilation (A) or carbon exchange
           rate (CER) is calculated as the rate at which CO  is taken out of the atmosphere by the leaf.
           Single leaf photosynthesis measurements provide good indications of a plants photosynthetic

           potential, however, may not be good indicators of actual photosynthesis because of mutual

           shading of leaves and variable microclimates within a canopy. Therefore, there has been incre-

           asing interest in measuring whole plant photosynthesis. However, for orchard trees, this can

           be quite challenging, involving the use a very large whole plant chambers.

                                                                Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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