P. 225
Selecting this design is justified becau- DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
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se of a feature that distinguishes phenome-
nological research from other qualitative
research designs. This feature is the sub-
gram, time working with previous
jective experience, which is at the center
and similar English programs.
of the inquiry (Mertens 2010). Certainly, it
is the PNIEB teachers and their perspecti-
The main selected technique to collect
ves and lived experiences in respect to the
teachers’ experiences, opinions, concerns,
phenomenon of teaching English to ele-
challenges and contributions to the PNIEB
mentary-school children, which constitute
program was the interview because of its
the core of the study.
characteristics. The interview is flexible to
Instruments be redirected as necessary and it flows na-
In order to find out the perspectives of turally allowing the interviewees to freely
the teachers two instruments were used: express their ideas.
questionnaires and interviews. Initially a
short questionnaire was applied to the par-
Tuxtla Gutiérrez was selected as the re-
ticipants; this provided standardized perso-
search site, because it is in this city in Chia-
nal and professional information to select
pas where more public schools are par-
the participants. The questionnaire inqui-
ticipating in the pilot phase of the PNIEB
red about the following topics:
program.At the moment of data collec-
tion (March 2012), 28 schools were pi-
• Personal information: name, age,
loting the program in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 6
and nationality.
were kindegarten and 22 were elementary
• Professional information: graduate
schools. A decision was made to concen-
studies, English teaching experien-
trate on teachers who had been working in
ce, English proficiency level, and
formal training.
• Information about the PNIEB pro-
gram: time working for the pro-
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas