P. 422

422                                      Frutas del trópico

                    Imports of fresh vegetables from Mexico have for many years played an important role
               in the U.S. vegetable supply during the off-season. However, more recently, imports of gre-

               enhouse vegetables from Canada and Holland and the introduction of new varieties to the

               market have contributed significantly to boost vegetable consumption in the United States.

               This has been particularly true in the case of tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers.

                    Consumption of tomatoes has seen important increases with the introduction of many

               new varieties to the market as well as through the success of hothouse tomatoes, which are

               valued by consumers for their better taste, higher and consistent quality, improved food safe-

               ty, and year-round availability. Therefore, diversification of the category, wider availability and

               better overall quality, where imports are playing a key role, are driving the trend of increasing
               tomato consumption in the United States.

                    The increase in consumption of peppers has been fueled by the introduction to the U.S.

               market of bell peppers in different colors and in mini-varieties in recent years, as well as by

               the popularity of a significant variety of hot peppers, mainly imported from Mexico. Imports of

               hothouse-grown bell peppers from Canada and Holland have played a significant role in the

               supply of these products in the U.S. market. So, once again, variety, quality and a year-round

               supply, aided by imports, have been the major driving forces in increasing per capita consump-
               tion of peppers in the U.S. market.

                    Likewise, consumption of cucumbers has been strongly influenced by the introduction of the

               hothouse-grown seedless variety, which has a totally edible bitterless peel with no wax. As with

               tomatoes and peppers, better and consistent flavor and overall quality, along with wider availability,

               have contributed to the increasing demand for this product.

                    Imports’ share of consumption for asparagus, which increased the most during the period

               under study, is the direct result of the increase in its consumption in the United States. Domes-

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