P. 424

424                                      Frutas del trópico

                  Table 1.1 Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables—Imported Volume for 2005 and Annual Growth
                                                 Rates for the Period 1990-2005

                               Fresh and Frozen Fruits                       Fresh and Frozen Vegetables

                                        2005                                            2005
                       Product        (MTx000)   Annual growth rate     Product       (MTx000)   Annual growth rate
                                                    1990-2005                                       1990-2005

                        Apple           123           1.0%             Asparagus         111          12.0%
                      Avocado           264          22.0%              Beans            65           8.0%
                 Berries & Strawberries  288          7.9%             Cabbage           52           1.8%
                        Citrus          522          11.6%              Carrots          95           3.4%
                       Grapes           677           3.3%        Broccoli & Cauliflower  334         5.1%
                        Kiwi             41           1.4%              Celery           27           2.5%
                       Mango            275          10.8%            Cucumbers          433          6.1%
                       Peaches           72           2.2%             Eggplant          54           8.3%
                        Pears            78           4.4%              Endive            2           -0.2%
                      Pineapples        586          11.4%              Garlic           70           9.5%
                       Melons           911           5.0%              Lettuce          78           12.5%
                     Other fruits       228          15.8%               Okra            51           7.1%
                        Total*         4,040          7.0%              Onions           295          3.7%
                  Bananas & Plantains  4,107          1.6%               Peas            60           3.0%

                        Total          8,146          3.7%         Peppers & Pimentos    489          8.9%
                                                                       Radishes          19           3.8%
                                                                        Squash           238          7.7%

                                                                       Tomatoes          952          6.7%

                                                                    Other Vegetables     600          8.8%
                                                                        Total**         4,024         6.7%
                                                                       Potatoes         1,103         7.5%

                                                                         Total          5,127         6.8%

                * Excluding bananas and plantains.
                ** Excluding fresh and frozen potatoes.
                Source: Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS),
                U.S. Agricultural Imports Data 1990 & 2005,
                Calculations: Agricultural Economics Extension, Tropical Research and Education
                Center, University of Florida.

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