P. 423
the maRket foR impoRted fResh fRuits and vegetables in the united states
tic production and exports of this product haven’t changed much during the last decade, while
per capita consumption increased from 0.59 lbs. in 1990 to 1.00 lbs. in 2004. The increasing
demand, therefore, has been satisfied with increased imports.
In the case of broccoli, the increase of its imports’ share of consumption from 0.21% in
1980 to 8.21% in 2004 has resulted from the impressive increase in overall consumption du-
ring the past decade as well as due to the rapidly increasing exports’ business. Increase in per
capita consumption in the United States is strongly related to the discovery of broccoli’s cancer
prevention properties. So, in spite of domestic production in 2004 having grown to almost
twice that in 1990, imports increased at a faster rate during this period.
Sweet onions, for which consumers have developed a particular interest in the last years,
have had a significant contribution to increasing consumption of overall onions in the United
States. They are produced domestically and, in order to supply them on a year-round basis,
they are imported from the Southern Hemisphere countries during the U.S. off-season.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas