P. 456

456                                      Frutas del trópico

                   6.  The period between initiation of growth and flowering may be as little as 3-4 weeks. Warming

                      temperatures and soil moisture speed the time to subsequent flowering.

                   7.  The base temperatures for flowering in subtropical climates are 12-15°C. Temperatures in

                      excess 18 C are better.
                   8.  In general, the proportion of perfect to male flowers varies from 2-75% and increases with

                      temperature above about 13°C. So there are usually more perfect flowers as temperatures

                      and the flowering period progresses.

                   9.  Temperatures below 4-5°C during flowering result in reduced pollen viability and fruit set.

                      Excessive temperatures (at or above 33°C) also reduces pollen viability.

                   10. Exposure to low temperatures below about 12°C or high temperatures above about 44°C

                      results in ovule abortion. Fruit set at these temperatures are parthenocarpic (seedless) com-

                      monly called “nubbins”. Usually these fruit later split and/or abscise.

                    In summary, the optimum flowering and fruiting occurs in climates where vegetative

               growth ceases after summer vegetative flushing due to either cool temperatures and/or dry

               soil moisture conditions prior to flowering; followed by moderately warm temperatures and

               abundant soil moisture during the flowering period;  followed by moderately high temperatu-

               res (30-33°C) during the fruit development period.

                    Orchard infrastructure

                   1.  Land preparation may involve land clearing, leveling or sloping and/or bedding, and construc-

                      tion of ditches and/or canals.

                   2.  Orchard layout – Generally a north-south row orientation is preferred for optimum dura-

                      tion of light exposure, however for some land parcels it is more efficient for equipment and

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