P. 457
shoRt couRse on tRopical fRuits
movement for rows to be oriented in an east-west direction. Orientation of the rows is less
important for orchards near the equator.
3. Irrigation system installation for watering and possibly fertilizing. There are numerous types of
irrigation including flood, high volume, and microsprinkler and drip.
4. The most important factor with any irrigation system is its management. This includes soil
moisture monitoring and irrigation scheduling.
5. Irrigation systems designed to inject fertilizer must be designed properly to prevent contami-
nation of the water source (e.g., well, river).
Cultivars, pollination, and fruit maturity
There are numerous cultivars and their use depends upon market demands and agricultural
economics. Predominantly monoembryonic types are grown for international trade (e.g., ‘Ha-
den’, ‘Kent’, ‘Tommy Atkins’, ‘Keitt’) although that is changing (e.g., ‘Manila’, ‘Ataulfo’).
The major mango pollinators include flies and bees. Generally, less than 0.1% of the
flowers set fruit and carry it to maturity. Fruit maturity is determined by date, fullness of shoul-
ders and cheeks, color development, fruit size. Internally, color development from white to
yellow indicates ability to ripen. International standards have been agreed upon and may be
found in the Codex Standard for Mangoes (Codex Stan 184-1993, AMD. 1-2005).
Cultivars – monoembryonic and polyembryonic
There are numerous mango cultivars and commercial cultivars vary with country and region
of the world.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas