P. 463
shoRt couRse on tRopical fRuits
Year 1 and 2 and 3
1. If the selected shoots have vertical orientation, weigh the shoots down for about 4 months
and this will “train” these scaffold limbs to be more horizontal. This will stimulate more bran-
ching, increase branch strength, and promote early flowering and fruiting.
Year 2 and 3 and beyond
1. Fruiting may begin in year 2 or 3. Early fruiting will also slow tree growth.
2. Pruning should be done annually, immediately after fruit harvest.
3. As before, small upright branches should be removed and new shoots tip pruned after rea-
ching about 50 cm in length.
Maintenance pruning
1. Eventually the canopy may become too crowded.
2. Eventually large structural limbs may form (in more vigorous cultivars).
3. Thinning out the canopy will be necessary.
4. Tree size and shape may be maintained by removing usually 1 entire major limb back to the
center of the tree by a thinning cut. Continue to favoring horizontal limbs over vertical limbs
and continue to shape and select limbs and new shoots annually.
Renewing the canopy may be accomplished by thinning cuts over a 1 to 2 year period to
remove excessive vegetative and/or vigorous growth.
What do you do for medium to large trees that really have never been pruned?
1. Medium and high vigor mango trees may be kept at or below 5 m tall.
2. Begin an annual selective pruning program to reduce tree height and spread.
3. By using selective thinning cuts open the canopy to allow light and wind penetration.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas