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               shaped by ‘practical theories’ (Johnson & Freeman, 2001).Language teacher cognition research
               conceptualizes teachers as thinking, agentive beings (Burns et al., 2015) who through teacher

               cognition and participation in communities of practice dialogically co-construct knowledge as

               they develop their understanding of teaching through action.

                    In  addition,  situated  learning  (Lave  and  Wenger,  1991)  and  sociocultural  perspectives

               (Freeman & Johnson, 1998; Johnson, 2009) were employed in this study, given that identity is

               constructed through participation in ‘communities of practice’ (CoP) (Wenger, 1998) through

               interactions between people, discourse and contexts. Furthermore, this is a fluid and dynamic

               process, given that individuals will never finish constructing their identity as they seek to deve-

               lop their personal theories about teaching.
                    This paper identifies a thriving identity research culture in SLTE but argues that additional

               research is required to identify the extent to which identity formation guides SLTE practice

               (Wright, 2010), especially in vulnerable contexts.

                    2. Context

               The context for the study was the Licenciatura en la Enseñanza del Inglés (B. A. in English

               Language Teaching) programme at the Tuxtla Language Faculty of the Autonomous University

               of Chiapas, Mexico. This is a nine semester study programme, including the480 hour service

               learning component, which participants complete in public schools in the state of Chiapas as

               part of their social service programme.
                    The state of Chiapas is located in south-eastern Mexico and is considered the poorest

               state in the country (INEGI, 2011).

                                Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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