P. 226
DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO maining anonymous and no pseudonyms
226 Libro Digital Universitario 2014
were given. Letters were used instead to
identify them. The characteristics of the
participants are as follows:
the PNIEB in the elementary school level
Participant A. Male, 26, majored in
for at least a year, to ensure they had had
Literature and has taken several English
some experience in the program. The se-
courses. He was enrolled in the English
lection was based on Merriam’s affirmation
Language Teaching program for four se-
(2002) “since qualitative inquiry seeks to
mesters, but dropped out to start wor-
understand the meaning of a phenomenon
king. He scored 520 points in the Institu-
from the perspectives of the participants, it
tional TOEFL and passed the Preliminary
is important to select a sample from which
English Test exam. He affirms having three
the most can be learned” (p. 17).
years of experience Teaching English and
In order to follow Polkinghorne’s
a year working for the PNIEB at the same
recommendation (as cited in Creswell,
elementary school. However, he accepts
2007) of interviewing from 5 to 25 in-
he has not received any special training
dividuals who have all experienced the
for teaching children.
phenomenon widely, and considering the
Participant B. Female, 26, majored
number of teachers who had actually wor-
in English Language Teaching. She scored
ked for the program eighteen months or
550 points in the Institutional TOEFL and
more, the sample was set between 6 to
holds the First Certificate in English. She
9 participants. Since only six teachers vo-
has three and half years of experience
luntarily responded to the invitation to par-
teaching, and has been working for two
ticipate in this study and completed both
years at the PNIEB program. Before joi-
the questionnaire and the interview, the-
ning the PNIEB, she worked in a similar
re were only six participants in this study.
program (paid by parents) in a different
The participants interviewed preferred re-
elementary school.She affirms that along
her studies and professional career, she
has received training on teaching but not
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas