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were asked consent to be recorded.The DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
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interviews were transcribed and then co-
ded, as mentioned in the following section,
in order to be analyzed.
the information obtained did answer the
research questions. Then the information
Analysis and interpretation of generated by the interviews was pro-
cessed as suggested above by Creswell
Merriam (2002) argues that in qua-
(2007). The objective was analyzing the
litative research, data analysis is si-
information to find the significant data that
multaneous with data collection.
permitted to continue with the interviews
That is one begins analyzing data
or led to redirecting them, besides making
with the first interview…Simulta-
comparisons that led to the identification
neous data collection and analysis
of common ideas, opinions or feelings as
allows the researcher to make ad-
proposed by Merriam (2002).According to
justments along the way, even to
Merriam (2002),
the point of redirecting data collec-
tion, and to test emerging concepts, One starts with a unit of data and
themes and categories against sub- compares it to another unit of data,
sequent data. (p. 14). and so on, all the while looking for
common patterns across the data.
So, for the data analysis the resear- These patterns are given names
cher goes through the data and highlights (codes) and are refined and adjus-
significant statements, sentences or quotes ted as the analysis proceeds (p.14).
that provide an understanding of how the
participants experienced the phenomenon Identifying the significant units of data
studied (Creswell, 2007). meant highlighting the information provi-
The process described above was fo-
llowed for this study. First of all the ques-
tionnaire and the guide of questions for
the interview were piloted to make sure,
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas