P. 227

specifically for teaching elementary school          DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
                                                                Libro Digital Universitario    2014              227

                Participant  C.  Male,  27, majored in

           English Language Teaching. He has never
                                                                ching experience has been in the PNIEB
           taken any official examinations, but con-
                                                                for the past two years. He sustains that
           siders  he  has  an  intermediate  to  upper-
                                                                he does not have any previous experien-
           intermediate level of English. He claims
                                                                ce for teaching English in general nor for
           to have 7 years of experience teaching
                                                                teaching children.
           English, out of which he has spent the last
                                                                     Participant F. Female, 25, majored in
           eighteen months working in the PNIEB.
                                                                English  Language  Teaching.  She  believes
           He  has  taken  some  training  courses  for
                                                                she has an intermediate to upper-interme-
           teaching English but recognizes he has
                                                                diate level of English, but has not taken any
           neither previous experience nor training
                                                                official examinations.She has five years of
           working with children.
                                                                teaching  experience  and  has  worked  for
                Participant D. Male, 29, majored in
                                                                the PNIEB program for the past eighteen
           English  Language  Teaching.  He  has  not
                                                                months.She previously worked two years
           taken any official examinations, but con-
                                                                and half for a similar program (paid by pa-
           siders having an intermediate level of
                                                                rents). She says she had some training for
           English. He has two years of teaching ex-
                                                                teaching English but not specific training for
           perience and has worked for the PNIEB
                                                                teaching children.
           for the past eighteen months. He has
                                                                     It is important to mention that all parti-
           never worked for any similar program.
                                                                cipants studied at the Universidad Autóno-
           He  has  taken  some  training  courses  for
                                                                ma de Chiapas (UNACH) the largest public
           teaching English but recognizes he has
                                                                university in the state of Chiapas. Moreo-
           neither previous experience nor training

           working with children.

                Participant E. Male, 25, majored in

           English  Language  Teaching.  He  has  not

           taken any official examinations, and does

           not know his level of English. His only tea-
                                                                Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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