P. 228

DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO        ved any special training to teach English to
      228             Libro Digital Universitario    2014
                                                                     elementary school children.

                                                                          3.4 Data collection
               ver all, except for participant A, completed
                                                                     Once the selection criterion was establis-
               their Bachelor in English Language Teaching
                                                                     hed, all the teachers were formally invi-
               with the 1994 program.   .Participant A
                                                                     ted to participate in the study. As expec-
               only completed four semesters but with
                                                                     ted,  there were some  that  soon replied
               the 2006 program. All participants,  ex-
                                                                     and others that were not willing to parti-
               cept participant E, studied at the Escuela
                                                                     cipate.Teachers were contacted through
               de Lenguas Campus Tuxtla. Participant E
                                                                     the teachers’ liaison, also a graduate from
               studied also at UNACH but at the Escue-
                                                                     the UNACH, who at the time helped the
               la de Lenguas San Cristóbal in Chiapas.
                                                                     Coordinator and maintained contact with
               Finally, what they all have in common is
                                                                     all the schools and the English teachers of
               that they accept that they have not recei-
                                                                     the PNIEB program.

                                                                          The ten teachers that replied were sent

                                                                     a letter of consent for them to acknowledge

               2  The 1994 program of the Bachelor in English Language   and sign, since “an interview is usually equa-
               Teaching required students to take the general entry exa-
               mination from the University and an English test adminis-  ted with confidentiality, informed consent,
               tered by the different language schools of the university.
               This exam was based in the Key English Test (KET). The   and privacy” (Orb, 2000: 2).
               program, however, didnot require students to take any      The questionnaire was then sent to
               exit exam to show their English level. The new 2006 pro-
               gram requires students to demonstrate an A2 level to en-  gather information regarding the period
               ter. Candiates can choose betweenthe KET or Institutional
               TOEFL (350 points or highter). The program also requi-  they had worked in the PNIEB, to check
               res students to demonstrate through a B1 level to remain
               in the program after third semester and finally, it requie-  eligibility for the study.Out of the 10 tea-
               res students to demonstra a B2 level with an international
               examination (eg. IELTS, FCE) in order to graduate. We   chers  who  replied,  only  six  fulfilled the
               can therefore assume that those teachers who have not   criteria of having worked in the program
               taken any examinations belong to the 1994 program.
                                                                     for at least a year. These teachers were

                                                                     interviewed.The time and days for the in-

                                                                     terviews were set according to the partici-

                                                                     pants’ availability and schedule. Participants

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