P. 233

They also give different suggestions on              DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
                                                                Libro Digital Universitario    2014              233
           how the program can be improved.

                                                                good and it improved with time. Teacher E
           Teachers were asked about the experien-
                                                                considered it easy to work with children.
           ce that the PNIEB program has represen-
                                                                Teacher F recognized that she was still
           ted  for  them  in  their  personal  and  pro-
                                                                learning to work with children but it had
           fessional lives and about situations, they
                                                                been a good experience for her. Teacher D
           have  experienced.  All  of  them  coincide
                                                                sustained that a good experience she lived
           in affirming that there have been positive
                                                                with the program was that her students got
           and negative experiences.
                                                                good scores in an English exam sent from
                With regards to positive experiences,
                                                                the offices in Mexico City.
           all these teachers found that children are
                                                                     All the teachers affirmed that working
           eager to learn English although the langua-
                                                                with children was definitely rewarding and
           ge would not be useful for them in the near
                                                                they felt comfortable and happy living the
           future. Teacher B sustains that it was rewar-
                                                                experience. However, not everything had
           ding to find “the kids’ acceptance, they are
                                                                been positive for them. On the negative
           willing to learn...” This can be a motivating
                                                                side, all the teachers claimed to need more
           factor for the teacher.
                                                                specialized training to work with the chil-
                In the same sense teacher, D also
                                                                dren. Despite being happy working with
           avowed, “Children really learn the second
                                                                them,  they  confessed  it  was  somewhat
           language”, he had a good relationship with
                                                                difficult at the beginning, especially for tho-
           them and with the other English teachers.
                                                                se with no previous experience.
           This helped him with the “controlling the
                                                                     Another negative experience was re-
           group” aspect, which was difficult for him
                                                                lated  to  the  material.  All  of  them  agreed
           at the beginning.
                                                                that there was a lack of books and material
                Three out of six teachers declared not

           having previous experience working with

           children, thus working for the PNIEB was

           their first experience and so far it had been

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