P. 234

DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO        and length of classes. Classes are few and
      234             Libro Digital Universitario    2014
                                                                     too short in time, only 50 minutes per class

                                                                     3 times a week, which was only 2 ½ hours

                                                                     per week.
               for the program in Chiapas. This has made
                                                                          Besides the lack of materials, teachers
               the teaching and learning processes more
                                                                     did not have other resources such as Cd
               difficult for everyone. Teachers started the
                                                                     players, televisions and special classrooms
               term with no books or materials, so they
                                                                     for the English class, the latter preventing
               had to create and adapt their own material,
                                                                     teachers from being able to have materials
               which implies a huge investment of time
                                                                     on the walls or to exhibit students’ work.
               and money. Some parents even complai-
                                                                            Teachers also complained about the
               ned that their children needed to make
                                                                     lack of support from parents. They thought
               photocopies for the English class.
                                                                     that many parents did not cooperate or
                    Although the  teachers  receivedthe
                                                                     support  their children  at home probably
               materials by mid-term, this did not solve
                                                                     because they did not care enough about
               the situation because the books and mate-
                                                                     their children’s education, or they conside-
               rials were not at the level of the students’
                                                                     red English unimportant since children do
               English. For instance fifth and sixth grade
                                                                     not get an official grade, or, even if inter-
               books were designed under the assump-
                                                                     ested, they could not help their children
               tion that children had already taken four
                                                                     because they do not know English them-
               years of English, but many of the fifth and
               sixth  graders  were  taking  English  for  the
                                                                          Teacher B sustained that “parents are
               first time.All the interviewed teachers con-
                                                                     not really concerned and they don´t really
               sidered this last issue to be a major pro-
                                                                     care”. Parents’ usual answer is “I don´t
               blem; in fact, they held that the program
                                                                     know  English  so  I  don´t care  if  my child
               was too ambitious in two senses: first, the-
                                                                     does or doesn´t”. Teacher F mentioned that
               proficiency level and secondly, the number
                                                                     the lack of support from the rest of the tea-

                                                                     chers and staff in that school had also been

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