P. 244

      244             Libro Digital Universitario    2014                   the English teachers, which in turn

                                                                            would benefit the children.

                                                                         4. To select the appropriate contents

                   2. To plan the budget, so that teachers                  for the material and textbooks,

                      that are hired to participate in the                  considering the variety of contexts

                      program actually receive their salary                 teachers face.It is not the same to

                      on time. As it is, not all schools have               teach a fifth grade class in Aguas-

                      been included in the program. It is                   calientes, where the program has

                      best to reduce the number of par-                     been going on for over seven years

                      ticipating schools to have enough                     and children have taken five years

                      money to pay the teachers on time,                    of English, than to teach this grade

                      so that the children have a motiva-                   in Tuxtla, where the program is still

                      ted teacher throughout the school                     in a pilot phase and students are ta-

                      year, instead of several teachers                     king English for the first time.

                      who quit because they need to look                 5. To establish a mechanism so that the

                      for better financial stability.                       material and textbooks arrive at the

                   3. To have school authorities, clas-                     beginning of the school term, and

                      sroom teachers and parents recog-                     are timely distributed to both tea-

                      nize the importance of English in                     chers and students. This will reduce

                      the future of the children, so that                   the pressure on teachers to create

                      they might be more cooperati-                         their own materials and the cost for

                      ve with the program and with the                      both parents and teachers.

                      English teachers. This would create                6. To provide constant training and ti-

                      a  better  working  environment  for                  mely advice to the English teachers

                                                                            who work in the PNIEB program,

                                                                            since teaching children and working

                                                                            with large groups require speciali-

                                                                            zed knowledge. The training should

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