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DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO coordination would help them perform
240 Libro Digital Universitario 2014
their jobs better.
About “payment”, teachers affirm
that it takes too long to receive it and un-
that made them happy and made their
luckily some teachers depend totally on
job rewarding. For instance, the genuine
this money. That might be the reason
interest children show on learning Englis-
why the program presents a high rate of
hand the opportunity for the teachers to
teachers’ rotation, which affects other as-
learn from and about children.
pects of the program.
Teacher A asserts that children act ac-
As was the payment, the materials
cording to their feelings; children’s love is
were also usually late. Besides. The books
huge and loyal, children even say hello to
did not correspond to the level or the re-
the teachers in the street and sometimes
ality of the students. Thus, the suggestion
they use the foreign language, they even
is manipulating or adapting the books and
surprise the teachers using words that have
materials to make them closer to the stu-
not been taught in class.
dents’ reality and in consequence useful
Changes and improvements for the students and easier for the tea-
(Chn&Imp) chers to teach.
Teachers suggested some changes and One more improvement was concer-
improvements that might help the pro- ning the schedule. Teachers suggested that
gram to function better.Three out of six the number of hours per week was too litt-
teachers suggest better organization from le for the English class.
the main office, specifically teachers A, C, Teacher F mentions Teachers’ profile
D and F. They consider that assistance, as an important topic.Theprocess to se-
proper and timely information from the lect and hire the English teachers probably
does not help the program in an efficient
way. The candidates show they know the
language because they have official exams,
as the Institutional TOEFL and other docu-
ments, but some majored in other areas
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas