P. 239

recognized that he needs more specialized            DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
                                                                Libro Digital Universitario    2014              239
           training to work with children to expand

           his own skills and mainly to know how to

           handle very young children.
                                                                him to adapt material and to work without
                Although some teachers claimed their
                                                                material or resources. Teachers C, D and
           training  had  been  enough  to  work  with
                                                                E also share this last situation.
           children, they all, at a certain moment re-
                                                                     The number of children is another
           cognized that it has not been easy to work
                                                                concern; teacher C found it stressful to
           with children, since they mentioned they
                                                                handle groups of 45 children. Controlling
           feel they still need something else to feel
                                                                this large of a group is challenging, teachers
           completely  comfortable  and  confident
                                                                C and F acknowledge. In the same sense,
           working with children.
                                                                teacher E makes reference to the ‘beha-

                                                                vior’ of the groups.
                Challenges and rewards                               Teachers B and C affirm that the lack

                                                                of parents and teachers’ support has made
           In this section, teachers talk about the
                                                                the process more challenging. Teacher C
           challenges they have faced while working
                                                                coincides with teacher B affirming that the
           with children, and, at the same time, they
                                                                rest of the teachers and school staff do not
           recognize that not everything has been
                                                                cooperate with the English subject and
           challenging, there have also been some
                                                                teachers.Another challenge mentioned by
           rewards that have made them feel their
                                                                teacher C is the short time per week assig-
           work is worthy.
                                                                ned for the English class.
                On one hand, we find the difficulties.
                                                                     On  the  other  hand,  we  find  the
           All teachers report that they have to move
                                                                rewards. All the teachers mention that
           from classroom to classroom to give their
                                                                they are very proud of their students,
           English class given that there is not a special
                                                                that they have lived good experiences
           English  classroom. Teacher  A  emphasizes

           the ‘classroom’ aspect given that he has

           had to teach outdoors with no electricity

           or furniture. It has also been challenging

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