P. 242
242 Libro Digital Universitario 2014
Implementing the PNIEB program in Chia-
pas has been a very good initiative in order
to insert English as part of the curriculum
Although rare, the next was also a si-
in the official public schools, even if it is still
tuation influencing the program. Because
in its pilot phase. Many children have be-
of immigration, in some of the suburban
nefited from the program considering that
schools.there are a few indigenous stu-
they have had their first approach to the
dents and they must handle three langua-
language and they have learnt some of it.
ges at the same time: their own language,
Parents also have had the opportuni-
Spanish and English. For teachers. this si-
ty to live the program and observe their
tuation is also complicated since they do
own children working with the language,
not speak any indigenous language to bet-
but mainly they have had the opportunity
ter support these children.
to understand how important the English
Finally, some children with special ne-
language is nowadays and to find the rea-
eds are blended with the rest of the chil-
sons for their children to learn it, however,
dren, groups are large and it is too cha-
there are still some parents who reject the
llenging and demanding to take care and
program because they feel threatened be-
prepare special material for those children
cause of a “subject” they do not know.
with special needs. Within this context,
Schools and school staff have also had
teacher B declares: “Kids with special needs
the opportunity to live and in some cases
are blended with the rest of the kids, these
to support and even foster the program.
special children take longer than the rest to
They definitely understand better than pa-
finish the activities, and I do not know how
rents do the importance of the English lan-
to handle the situation [children with special
guage. However, they also needed some
orientation and assistance from the PNIEB
offices to better support English teachers
and orientate parents and children while
participating within PNIEB program.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas