P. 241
as Engineering, Business Administration or DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
Libro Digital Universitario 2014 241
Architecture; fields far from language tea-
ching as a profession.
A general concern was “training”; tea-
these children have to work alongside their
chers suggest and recognize they need
parents. When they are at school, they are
more training, they consider that speciali-
tired because of their jobs and this makes
zed training may help them to work with
learning more difficult for them.
children properly. This situation becomes
Teachers reported that another si-
even more necessary if the teachers do not
tuation influencing the program is parents’
have the profile, as it has been mentioned.
support. They have observed that when
parents assist their children at home, their
Context (Cntx)
experience with the English class improves
The first context mentioned by the tea-
a lot. Unfortunately, as it has been mentio-
chers, as exerting some influence on the
ned, some parents do not help their chil-
program, is financial support or lack the-
dren with the English lesson, because they
reof. This situation has affected the pro-
think English is not important or because
gram in two different ways. The first one
they do not know the language. Besides,
is about the schools. If the elementary
in some schools, mainly in those with low-
school does not have resources to support
income families, parents are tough and ag-
the program, the situation becomes more
gressive and this makes the situations more
difficult for the teachers since the program
difficult to handle for the teachers.
itself is not supportive enough. Teachers
Regarding “support”, regular teachers
then have to face and deal with all the si-
and the rest of the school staff in some ca-
tuations related to lack of support for ma-
ses do not support the initiative and efforts
terial and resources on top of not receiving
of the English program.
their own salary on time.
The second is children’s poverty.
Depending on the location of the school,
some children live in the suburbs and they
usually come from low-income families;
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas