P. 243

PNIEB main offices have done a great            DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
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           job implementing the program despite all

           the needs and lacks. Nevertheless, it is

           worth to mention that PNIEB offices and
                                                                both positive and negative. There have
           people in charge of them need to readjust
                                                                been difficult situations since the program
           the program and start working to correct
                                                                is new and there have been situations that
           little by little all those situations that did not
                                                                deserve acknowledgement. It is important
           help the program but weakened it some-
                                                                for the corresponding education authori-
           how, as it has been mentioned above. Co-
                                                                ties to take some action to help teachers
           rrecting and improving all these weak areas
                                                                overcome the challenges and difficulties, in
           will determine the success of the program.
                                                                order for the program to work better and
           It is natural and expected in any “project”
                                                                to transit from a pilot phase into a curricu-
           that there will be many situations to be im-
                                                                lar one.
           proved to help the program progress and
                                                                     Some of the recommendations that
           work properly.
                                                                might be made to the program as recom-
                On the other hand, it is also impor-
                                                                mended by the teachers at both a federal
           tant to foster all those actions and efforts
                                                                and a local level are the following:
           that have helped the program to function,

           mainly to acknowledge all those people                   1. To thoroughly revise the feasibility

           who made possible living this first PNIEB                   of establishing the PNIEB program

           experience. For sure, they know what the
                                                                       in Chiapas, not as a pilot program
           program  needs and  what  could make  it
                                                                       but as a curricular program taking
           stronger to benefit children in Chiapas and
                                                                       into consideration the budget that
           anywhere else in Mexico where the pro-
                                                                       the program actually has been im-
           gram has already been implemented.
                                                                       plemented nationwide.

                Suggestions for the

                PNIEB program

           The perspectives and experiences resul-

           ting of working with the PNIEB have been

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