P. 235
a negative experience that made things DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
Libro Digital Universitario 2014 235
more difficult.
Competences and skills (Cm&Sk)
students was different, even if they were at
Regarding Competences and skills, all tea-
the same grade level.
chers had varied opinions.
Teacher E even declared that wor-
Two out of six teachers mentioned
king with children had been hard for him
that they had some problems at the begin-
and he feels he needed more training. In
ning controlling the groups. For teacher A
that sense four out of six, specifically tea-
the PNIEB was his first experience working
chers A, B, C and D also declared that they
with children, and heargued that: “children
were still learning how to work with chil-
are very active and teaching children is diffe-
dren, and they affirm that they have expe-
rent than teaching other people…” Teacher
rienced some changes from the beginning
D added that children are also curious.
until the time of data collection and that
Teacher A was able now to identify
they work better with children now. Tea-
when children were getting bored or frus-
cher B affirms: “Everything I´ve been doing
trated and it wastime to change the topic,
is ‘trial and error’, I mean if one thing works
this has was a new skill for him. Another
with a certain group at a certain time, it
teacher had a similar opinion arguing that
doesn´t work the same in the other, so I´ve
children were very smart and got bored
been learning that”.
quickly. In fact, teacher F declared that she
Teacher C affirmed that part of these
did her best, to organize her class, create
changes is due to the specialized readings
material and learned how to change the
he had done, he read books about chil-
activities every 10 minutes to keep the stu-
dren, how they learned and how to beco-
dents’ attention. Teachers A and F have also
me a better teacher for them.
developed the ability to capture children’s
attention; this was also difficult for them to
handle at the beginning. In the same sense
teacher, B emphasized that every group of
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas