P. 238

      238             Libro Digital Universitario    2014
                                                                     In this section, teachers were asked about

                                                                     the training that they have received to be

                                                                     English teachers, the inquiry pointed spe-
               he is now happy working and learning from
                                                                     cifically  to know if this  training  has been
               children. He also asserts that, “Compared
                                                                     enough to work with children.
               with adults, working with children is more
                                                                          Four teachers out of six affirm that
               rewarding.” Teacher E even affirms: “You are
                                                                     their original training as English teachers
               always happy with children”, mainly if they at
                                                                     has been enough to work in the PNIEB.
               least learn vocabulary.
                                                                     These  teachers  mention  that  this  training
                    Teacher C perceives himself as pa-
                                                                     has let them prepare classes properly and
               tient enough to work with children. He
                                                                     adapt material to the students’ level. It also
               considers  he  is  more  experienced  now
                                                                     provided them with diverse activities, ga-
               and feels his job is easier. He also avows
                                                                     mes, and, to some extent classroom ma-
               that he has more material because he has
                                                                     nagement. As teacher A, teacher E sustains
               created it since he started working.Teacher
                                                                     that his training has been enough to work
               B perceives herself as “conductive” due to
                                                                     with children, but that he has also done
               the circumstances. She affirms that “cons-
                                                                     some research about teaching children.
               tructivism” is expected but it is not applied,
                                                                          There were other teachers that recog-
               otherwise nothing would be obtained. Tea-
                                                                     nize that their original training has not been
               cher F states she is motivated because chil-
                                                                     enough. Teacher D sustains that “nothing is
               dren learn and use the language and they
                                                                     enough to teach, nobody can say that tra-
               demonstrated this when they were able to
                                                                     ining is not needed”. Teacher B confesses
               answer an examination sent from Mexico
                                                                     she does not have specialized training and
               City´s office.
                                                                     she thinks she needs it, she needs an upda-

                                                                     te about teaching children mainly on peda-

                                                                     gogical topics and psychological elements,

                                                                     given that she considers that every child is

                                                                     different and some of them need extra at-

                                                                     tention.In the same sense teacher C also
                             Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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