P. 237

the books finally arrived, the problem re-           DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO
                                                                Libro Digital Universitario    2014              237
           mained  that  they  were  not  created  or

           adapted to the true contexts of the student

           population, thus they were not that useful
                                                                tuation lived by the teachers who did not
           since they did not correspond to the stu-
                                                                receive the information and material nee-
           dents’ proficiency level. Since the books
                                                                ded to keep working properly. In the same
           had a higher linguistic level, and some items
                                                                sense, teacher F affirms that the program
           were not even known in Spanish, the lear-
                                                                must be under supervision and there must
           ning process was even more difficult for
                                                                be supervisors for the English teachers to
           children. This problem of the language level
                                                                check that everything is working properly.
           was not just about the books, the PNIEB
                                                                     One more teacher showed concern
           program itself was/is seen as too ambitious
                                                                about the “pilot” status of the program. In
           and unrealistic by the teachers.
                                                                this regard, teacher D avows, “Children
                These two aspects imply that more
                                                                need constant work, the program needs to
           work on the part of the teachers who are
                                                                be  constant  and  right  now  the  program  is
           compelled to adapt the  program, create,
                                                                not working”. With regards to their percep-
           and adapt material to work with their stu-
                                                                tion about their own roles working with
           dents. This sometimes burns teachers out
                                                                children, teacher D confesses that he was
           emotionally and financially, since they have
                                                                afraid of children at the very beginning; he
           to do it in their free time and do not get
                                                                thought that children were not going to
           paid for doing all this extra work.
                                                                show interest  in learning  English.  In  the
                Teacher  B  comments  about  the
                                                                same sense, Teacher A affirms that at the
           PNIEB program: “On paper it looks perfect,
                                                                beginning he also did not like the expe-
           I mean… kids are going to learn little by litt-
                                                                rience, but after working with children, he
           le, the learners are going to graduate, they
                                                                changed his view about them because he
           are going to follow a sequence…but actually
                                                                realized that children appreciate his work;
           it doesn´t work that way”

                There were also complaints about the

           lack of coordination, and the frustrating si-

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