P. 236

DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSGRADO        A believes that the children are motivated
      236             Libro Digital Universitario    2014
                                                                     to learn.

                                                                          Teachers sustained that the PNIEB

                                                                     program is usually perceived as positive by
                    Teacher A and E have the same opi-
                                                                     the rest of the school staff and parents sin-
               nion about the use of the foreign language in
                                                                     ce it will be useful for children in their fu-
               the classroom, they speak both languages.
                                                                     tures. Teacher D affirms that this program
               Teacher  E declared: “I use the  translation
                                                                     represents progress.Teachers B, C and F
               method, I speak English then I translate into
                                                                     affirm that children learn a lot and they de-
                                                                     monstrate it by using the language. They
                    Regarding competences teacher D said
                                                                     use the phrases and words taught in the
               that he used constructivism, which, to him,
                                                                     classroom. Teacher D notices children’s
               was giving students’ input and have students
                                                                     cooperation because they like the songs
               produce something with that input.
                                                                     and drawings.

                    Perceptions (Pc)                                      Teacher B avows: “teaching children

               Teachers reported having both positive                represents a huge challenge for teachers and

               and negative perceptions about the PNIEB              parents but it becomes easier if working to-

               program and about their own roles as tea-             gether”. Teacher D affirms that he has had
               chers in the program.                                 the parents’ support; they have cooperated

                    On the positive side, four out of six            with the program. Teacher F even affirms

               teachers coincide in affirming that it was            that parents have sent her some supplies

               surprising and agreeable finding out that             to create material.

               children want to learn, that they show                     To  sum  up  the  positive  perceptions

               interest and desire in learning the new               showed that three out of six teachers find

               language. Teacher B emphasized that she               the PNIEB as a great program but that it
               loves the way children learn, and teacher             needs some adjustments.Now, on the ne-

                                                                     gative side, the general complaint was again

                                                                     about the books used for the program. The

                                                                     comments referred to the lack of books,

                                                                     materials and resources. Therefore, when
                             Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
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